****************************** £TBC PER *25FT ROLL ****************************** |
For the Classic Kodak Style, you purchase your film with a processing code. Shoot your footage pop it into a jiffy bag with the code on the case and await the arrival of your processed footage, couldn't be simpler. |
KODAK EKTACHROME 100D Color Reversal Film 7285 in the Double 8 format. 100D Colour Reversal Film features bright saturated colors, fine grain with excellent sharpness. It is important to note that KODAK EKTACHROME 100D Color Reversal Camera Film 7285 is a daylight balanced film. No additional filtration is required when using the film in daylight conditions.
FILTER USAGE Many cameras utilize an internal conversion filter to convert daylight illumination into a tungsten balance. This amber-colored filter is to be placed into the optical path when the manual selector is placed on the sun setting (the sun icon). With the daylight balanced 100D Film, it will be necessary to disengage this filter. Although it may sound counter-intuitive, this is accomplished by setting the manual exposure setting to the tungsten setting (the bulb icon), no matter what conditions you are shooting under. If you will be using 100D Film under tungsten illumination, we recommend the use of an 80A external filter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Processing: Approx 3-4 week turnaround from return of film)
*The can says 25 ft Double 8mm on the label and it can be confusing because there is actually 50ft on these reels. When purchased it has one 25ft roll of a type of 16mm film in the can. You shoot one side of the 25 foot roll and then take the film out turn it over, put it back in and shoot the other side of 25 foot roll. We then split the 25 feet of 16mm film right down the middle to give two 25ft. lengths which are then spliced together into one 50 foot roll of 8mm film. So when you receive your processed film back the 3" reel will have 50ft. of 8mm film on it.
Handling - Load and unload your camera in low light. The light side of the film must face the camera lens. Before closing the camera, run 3 or 4 inches of film to be sure the film advances properly and is securely attached to the take up spool. Some cameras, such as the Canon Zoom 8, will not advance film unless the film door is closed. For cameras that perform in this manner, you should manually advance the film by turning the spools with your fingers. To expose the film completely, run it through your camera twice. The first time you will expose 25 feet along half its width. When the film has been through your camera once, reload the film into the camera and run it through a second time to expose the other half. When you have exposed both halves of the roll, replace the film in the can and return it to us.
Note: Process Paid packages are only valid to the original purchaser named on the invoice and not transferable or to be resold. This will result in this item being null & void. |